松田 文彦
Founder 取締役 最高顧問
京都大学教授 大学院医学研究科 京都大学 · マギル大学ゲノム医学国際連携専攻 専攻長 附属ゲノム医学センター センター長。
Fumihiko Matsuda, Ph.D.
Founder and Director, Chief Advisor
Professor Fumihiko Matsuda obtained his Ph.D. from Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine in 1990 on his research of the organization of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (VH) gene locus under Professor Tasuku Honjo. He continued to work on the same subject as an assistant professor of Kyoto University until 1998, when he succeeded in elucidating the genetic basis of antibody diversity by determining the nucleotide sequence of the entire human VH gene locus. In 1998, he joined Centre National de Genotypage in Evry, France, as the head of gene identification. In 2003, he obtained a double appointment as a Professor at Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine. From 2007 to 2010, he served as the Directeur de Recherche of INSERM (U. 852), and since 2008 he has been the Director of the Center for Genomic Medicine. He has consistently devoted himself to the research for human disease genomics using a genome-wide approach through various positions he has engaged. His primary research interests include integrated omics analysis of human multigenetic disorders and large-scale genome cohort study. Since 2017, he acts as the principal investigator of the Nationwide Rare Disease Platform program financed by the Japan Agency of Medical Research and Development (AMED). He has experience working in France for ten years with international collaborators and promotes international collaborations with France, Canada, U.K., and Asian countries. He takes the position of Scientific Coordinator of Institut Pasteur-Kyoto University International Joint research Unit for Integrative Vaccinomics since November 2016.
On January 25, 2021, Professor Fumihiko Matsuda was elevated to Knight of the National Order of Merit (Chevalier de L’Ordre National de Mérite) by the President of the Republic of France for his long-standing contribution to Franco-Japanese scientific cooperation, particularly in the field of genomic medicine.
山崎 寿郎
代表取締役 Co-Founder
1986年同志社大学法学部卒。米国Hitachi Global Storage Technologies知財ライセンス部長、日立製作所知的財産本部知財ビジネス本部長、RPX Corp副社長、RPXアジア株式会社代表取締役、大阪工業大学知的財産学部教授、知財支援機構株式会社代表取締役、Unified Patents Asia社長、京都大学産官学連携本部戦略企画室長、米国LOT Network副社長、ジェノコンシェルジュ京都株式会社代表取締役、米国Open Invention Networkライセンスディレクター、RADDAR-J for Society株式会社代表取締役等を歴任。知財支援機構その他計6社を立ち上げた経験をもち、2011年にはRPX Corpを設立後2年半でNASDAQ上場に導いた。経営管理、事業開発、マーケティング、M&A、ライセンスおよび知的財産に関する35年間の国際的な経験をもつ。
Hisao Yamasaki
Co-Founder, CEO
Hisao is a Founder and the CEO of Geno Concierge Kyoto. Prior to Geno Concierge Kyoto, he served as the head of strategy and planning at the Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation of Kyoto University and the President of RPX Asia. He also held a 25-year career at Hitachi as the General Manager of IP Business Development and Licensing, responsible for all business aspects of intellectual property assets, including licensing strategies and operations, and patent portfolio balancing transactions such as acquisitions and sales. Hisao serves as the CEO of Syndefense Corp, President of Unified Patents Asia, Vice President of LOT Network, Inc. and Professor in the Faculty of the Graduate School of Intellectual Property at the Osaka Institute Of Technology.
川口 修治
取締役 最高技術責任者
2007年九州大学大学院数理学府博士課程修了、博士(数理学)。九州大学大学院数理学研究院COE研究員、理化学研究所研究員を経て、2014年 京都大学医学研究科附属ゲノム医学センター 特定助教、2018年 京都大学医学研究科 医学研究科附属ゲノム医学センター 助教、2020年より 京都大学 大学院医学研究科 京都大学・マギル大学ゲノム医学国際連携専攻 附属ゲノム医学センター 准教授。
Shuji Kawaguchi, Ph.D.
Dr. Kawaguchi obtained his Ph.D. degree in mathematical science from Kyushu University in 2007. His research interests include development of machine learning or statistical method for big data and integrated AI system for cross sectional study of rare diseases. He had developed HLA-HD which is high accurate HLA typing algorithm. He currently serves as Associate Professor, Kyoto-McGill International Collaborative School of Genomic Medicine, Center for Genomic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University.
日笠 幸一郎
2003年九州大学医学系学府分子生命科学系専攻博士課程修了、博士(理学)。九州大学生体防御医学研究所遺伝情報実験センター研究員、理化学研究所研究員、東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科情報生命科学専攻研究員を経て、2012年 京都大学大学院医学研究科附属ゲノム医学センター 特定助教、2014年 京都大学学際融合教育推進センター・スーパーグローバルコース 特定講師、2016年 同特定准教授、2018年より関西医科大学附属生命医学研究所ゲノム解析部門学長特命教授。
これまでにヒトゲノムの多様性に関わるインフォマティクス業務に従事し、2013年には、1,200人の全エクソン塩基配列解析によって、国内初の日本人リファレンス配列データベースHuman Genetic Variation Database: HGVD(を構築した。現在は、HGVDを活用し、様々な稀少難治性疾患の原因遺伝子の同定や診断に携わっている。
Higasa Kouichirou, Ph.D.
Chief Researcher (Genetic Analysis)
Dr. Higasa obtained his Ph.D. degree in Science from Kyushu University in 2003. He developed the first Japanese reference sequence database, HGVD, in 2013, by analyzing whole-exome sequencing data of 1,200 individuals. Currently, he is involved in identifying causative genes and genetic diagnosis of various rare and intractable diseases using HGVD.
園村 和弘
2006年京都大学大学院薬学研究科修士課程修了。2011年博士(薬学)取得。2006年より株式会社島津製作所 基盤技術研究所 ライフサイエンス研究所。これまでに質量分析を用いたオミックス解析の新規手法開発を手掛けてきた。特に「ながはま0次コホート事業」においては、京都大学と島津製作所で共同運営する質量分析ラボの立上げ・運営に従事し、コホート検体で取得した大規模メタボロームデータを用いて生活習慣病をはじめとする様々な疾患のバイオマーカー探索研究を進めている。
Kazuhiro Sonomura, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher
Life Science Research Center, Technology Research Laboratory, Shimadzu Corporation
Dr. Sonomura obtained his Ph.D. degree in pharmaceutical science from Kyoto University in 2011. From 2006, he started his career in Shimadzu corporation as a researcher and has developed various methods for omics analysis using mass spectrometry. He is now responsible for the management of the joint laboratory between Kyoto university and Shimadzu corporation, for the biomarker development of various diseases using omics technologies.
堀場 厚
株式会社 堀場製作所
機器工業会会長、京都商工会議所副会頭などを歴任。フランス共和国の科学技術と産業発展への貢献が評価され1998年に国家功労章オフィシエ、2010年にレジオン・ドヌール勲章シュヴァリエ受章。2015年フランス共和国モンペリエ大学名誉博士。2019年 旭日中綬章受章。産業界や地元経済の活性化に尽力。
Atsushi Horiba
Chairman & Group CEO
Atsushi Horiba is Chairman & Group CEO of HORIBA, Ltd., an analytical instruments manufacturing company established in Kyoto Japan with 50 group companies worldwide.
In 1971, Mr. Horiba joined HORIBA Instruments Inc. USA as an engineer. He returned to Japan in 1977 and was appointed as President of HORIBA, Ltd., in 1992, doubled as Chairman in 2005, and became Chairman & Group CEO in 2018.
He served as Chairman of Japan Electric Measuring Instruments Manufacturers’ Association and as President of Japan Analytical Instruments Manufactures’ Association successfully.
Presently, he serves as Vice-Chairman of Kansai Economic Federation and Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
He was decorated L’Ordre National de la Legion d’honneur, Chevalier in 2010 by French government. He also was decorated the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon in 2019 by Japanese government.
He received master’s degree on Electronic Engineering from Graduate School of University of California, Irvine in 1977, and Doctor Honoris Causa degree from University of Montpellier, France in 2015.
成宮 周
大学院では、酵素学、蛋白質化学、物質同定などの生化学を学ぶ。ついで、英国Wellcome研究所 に留学、薬理学を学ぶ。帰国後、プロスタグランジン(PG)の研究を始め、一連のPG受容体を同定し、PGによる炎症、痛み、発熱、止血、血栓形成、排卵、陣痛のメカニズムを明らかにし、アスピリン様薬物の解熱、鎮痛、抗炎症作用の機序を最終的に明らかした。加えて、PGが免疫やアレルギー反応にも関わっていること、この作用を通じてがんの微小環境を含む様々な慢性炎症に関与していること、さらに、心理刺激にも応答して動物行動の制御も行っていることなどを明らかにしている。また、生体機能解析のプローブとしてボツリヌスC3酵素を発見、この標的としてRho蛋白質を単離し、その機能解析から細胞内で刺激に応じてアクチン細胞骨格が形成される仕組みを解明し、この経路が細胞では移動や分裂、突起退縮、悪性化などに働き個体では発生時の血管や神経系の構築、成体での血圧の調節、炎症細胞の遊走、がんの転移・浸潤などに働いていることを明らかにしている。いずれの研究においても、薬理学者として、生体機能に重要な働きを持つ分子を発見すると同時に、これを標的とする特異薬物を開発して治療に役立てることを目標としている。
Shuh Narumiya
Professor and Chair of Department of Drug Discovery Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Director of Medical Innovation Center, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Dr. Shuh Narumiya served as the Dean of the Medical School in 2004-2007 and the leader of Global Center of Excellence “Center for Frontier Medicine” in 2008-2013.
His research spans from pharmacology, cell biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology to pathophysiology of diseases in areas of the functions of the prostaglandin (PG) receptors and the signal transduction and functions of the small GTPase Rho, where he published more than 500 original articles with the current H index of 121.
His team cloned all the members of the PG receptor family, which promoted development of selective agonists and antagonists to each member. Utilizing KO mice deficient in each PG receptor and selective agonists/antagonists, his team has clarified various physiological and pathophysiological roles prostaglandins play in the body such as fever generation, pain sensation, ovulation and parturition. His team also discovered that in addition to acute inflammation, PGs exert many actions in immunity and allergy, and also regulates animal behavior. His team discovered botulinum C3 exoenzyme, a molecular probe for Rho, cloned Rho effectors such as ROCK, mDia, citron and Rhotekin, and discovered a specific ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, which has been used in hundreds laboratories world-wide to dissect the functions of Rho-ROCK pathway. Utilizing these resources, his team identified how actin monomers are polymerized and form actomyosin bundles such as stress fibers and the contractile ring in the cell, and how this mechanism is used in making tissue architecture in the body. His current research interests are the mechanisms underlying chronic inflammation and tumor microenvironment, neural mechanisms governing stress behavior, and molecular mechanisms of skin barrier maintenance. Along with carrying out his own research, he has established the Academia-Industry Alliance model for drug discovery and development in Kyoto University by setting and directing the Astellas Pharma-Kyoto University (AK) Project of the Center for Innovation in Immunoregulatory Technology and Therapeutics (2007-2016), and is running four MIC projects as the director.
He has received many honors including the Gold Medal from the Giovanni Lorenzini Foundation, the Purple ribbon from the Japanese Government, the Takeda Prize in Medicine, the Uehara Prize, the Imperial Prize from the Japan Academy, the Ulysses Medal from University College Dublin and the Lifetime Achievement Awards from the International Association of Inflammation Societies and the Eicosanoid Foundation.
湊 長博
医学博士 (京都大学)
1975京都大学医学部卒業。1975年京都大学結核胸部疾患研究所附属病院医員。1977年京都大学結核胸部疾患研究所附属病院医員。1977年米国アルバートアインシュタイン医科大学微生物免疫学教室客員研究員。1980自治医科大学助手。1982年自治医科大学講師。1990年自治医科大学助教授。1992年京都大学医学部附属免疫研究施設教授。1993年京都大学医学部教授。1995年京都大学大学院医学研究科教授。1999年京都大学大学院生命科学研究科教授。2002年京都大学評議員。2007年4月 京都大学大学院医学研究科教授。2007年京都大学大学院医学研究科附属ゲノム医学センター長。2010年京都大学大学院医学研究科長・医学部長。2014年京都大学理事・副学長。2017年京都大学プロボスト。2020年京都大学総長。
Nagahiro Minato
MD, PhD, Kyoto University
President, Kyoto University
2017 Provost, Kyoto University
2014 Executive Vice-President for Strategy Coordination, Research, Planning, and Hospital Administration, Kyoto University
2010 Dean, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
1992 Professor, Department of Immunology and Cell Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
1998 Professor, Department of Bioregulation, Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University (joint appointment)
1989 Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical School
1980 Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical School
1977 Research Associate, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA
1975 Resident, Chest Disease Research Institute Hospital, Kyoto University
1975 Graduated from the School of Medicine, Kyoto University
鈴木 蘭美
Scientific Advisor
鈴木蘭美氏の現在の公務は、文部科学省のライフサイエンス委員会、国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)の革新的先端研究開発支援事業(CREST)プロテオスタシス領域、国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)のACT-X「生命と化学」、自己評価委員会、並びに理化学研究所の戦略会議委員会等。また2018年の日本国際賞では、医学薬学分野の選考委員を務めた。Ludwig Institute for Cancer Researchから奨学金を授与され、University College Londonにて医学博士号を取得、Imperial College Londonでポストドクの研究を経て、ロンドンでベンチャーキャピタル事業に携わり、エーザイ株式会社のコーポレートビジネスデベロップメント担当執行役、その後ジョンソンエンドジョンソンの製薬部門であるヤンセンジャパンにおいてのビジネスデベロップメント本部長、メディカルアフェアーズ部門本部長、フェリング・ファーマ株式会社代表取締役 チーフエグゼクティブオフィサージャパンを経て、現在、モデルナ・ジャパン株式会社代表取締役社長。ライフワークにがんの完治と認知症の予防を掲げている。
鈴木 蘭美氏 【前編】医療革命! ゲノムが世界を変える(がん治療最前線)2020年5月14日(木)放送分 日経CNBC「GINZA CROSSING Talk」
鈴木 蘭美氏 【後編】医療革命! ゲノムが世界を変える(ゲノム医療がもたらすヘルスケアの未来像)2020年5月28日(木)放送分 日経CNBC「GINZA CROSSING Talk」
Rami Suzuki
Scientific Advisor
Rami Suzuki serves the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as Life Science Committee member as well as Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) as an advisor to several projects. She was a selection committee member of Medical Science and Medicinal Science for Japan Prize 2018. She obtained her Ph.D. in Medicine at University College London with a scholarship from Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. Her postdoctoral research was on breast cancer at Imperial College, London. She also worked as a venture capitalist for life sciences in London before serving Eisai Co., Ltd. as corporate officer in charge of corporate business development, Janssen Japan (pharmaceutical sector of Johnson and Johnson) as the head of business development and medical affairs, Ferring Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. as the CEO and Representative Director and Moderna Japan Co., Ltd. as the President, Representative Director. Her lifetime missions are to cure cancer and to prevent dementia.